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Scientific Name: Trachelomonas robusta Svirenko, 1914
Phytoplankton : Trachelomonas robusta

Photo: zygoflux (iNaturalist)

Kingdom: Protozoa
Phylum: Euglenozoa
Class: Euglenoidea
Order: Euglenida
Family: Euglenaceae
The described organism possesses a protective lorica often adorned with numerous spines, which can range in color from yellowish to dark brown due to the presence of ferric hydroxide and a brown manganic compound. It features a single long flagellum that extends from the anterior aperture, often surrounded by a thickened collar. Chromatophores may consist of either two curved plates or numerous disc-shaped structures, alongside small paramylum bodies, a stigma, and a pyrenoid. Reproduction occurs through fission, where one daughter cell retains the lorica and flagellum, while the other escapes to form a new lorica. Cysts are commonly formed, and the organism is typically found in freshwater environments. The lorica exhibits variable characteristics including shape, size, color, and surface ornamentation, which are important for taxonomic classification at species, variety, and form levels. Various types of lorica ornamentations such as punctuations, spines, scrobiculations, warts, tubercles, and ridges have been extensively documented in scientific literature.
Habitat & Distribution in Bangladesh:
These organisms are commonly found in freshwater environments in temperate regions, such as ponds, lakes, and pools.
Other References:
DNA Barcodes from Bangladesh
GenBank Accession Number:
Other DNA Barcodes & Nucleutide Sequences
Other Information