This bug is of moderate size and has a rounded shape. Its coloration ranges from greenish-brown to reddish-brown. The lateral margin of the head, pronotum, and the tip of the scutellum are lighter in color. The connexiva of the abdomen are transparent, broad, and feature dark bands. On the ventral side, it is light brown, while the legs are yellowish-brown. Specific features include:
Head: Wider than it is long, with a smooth texture. The eyes converge anteriorly and are prominent. Antennae are concealed beneath the eyes. The rostrum is very short, barely reaching the fore coxae.
Thorax: The pronotum is wider than it is long, with convex lateral margins and obscure rugosity. The posterior angles are obtuse. The scutellum has slight tubercles on the disc and a smooth margin, approximately as wide as it is long, with an acuminate tip. The hemelytra are thinly and uniformly rugose. The corium has a small, median patch of pale setae toward the apex. The membrane is poorly developed, and the embolium is pale and translucent. The fore femora are grooved, while the mid and hind femora and tibiae have stout, brown, spiny setae. The mid and hind legs possess dense, long swimming hairs.Abdomen: All visible sternites have a blunt, median carina. Sternites and paratergites are distinctly separated. The respiratory siphon is short.