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Scientific Name: Sphaerodema annulatum Fabricius, 1803

Synonym: Diplonychus annulatus (Fabricius, 1781) (Currently unaccepted)

Insects : Sphaerodema annulatum

Photo: iNaturalist

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hemiptera
Family: Belostomatidae
The insect is of medium size and possesses an oval body, typically ochraceous or ochraceous brown in color. The lateral margins of the pronotum and the embolium of the hemelytra consistently appear paler. The head exhibits scattered fuscous spots, and the eyes are elongated and oblique, with an interocular space equal in length to the head. The rostrum, or the mouthpart, is slender and consists of three segments. The hemelytra are broad, with a smooth clavus lacking veins. The corium is densely and finely punctuated, featuring a faint network of veins. The membrane between the wings is devoid of veins. The foreleg is prehensile, with two-segmented fore tarsi bearing a single claw. The mid and hind tarsi have two joints each, and their claws are double.
Habitat & Distribution in Bangladesh:
Mostly found in shallow waters, ponds and swamps with or without aquatic vegetation. Found in Sylhet, Dhaka, chittagong.
Freshwater, Brakishwater
DNA Barcodes from Bangladesh
GenBank Accession Number:
Other DNA Barcodes & Nucleutide Sequences
Other Information