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Scientific Name: Renatra filiformis Fabricius, 1790

Synonym: Ranatra sordidula Dohrn, 1860 (Currently unaccepted)

Insects : Renatra filiformis

Photo: iNaturalist

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hemiptera
Family: Nepidae
The insect is characterized by a dull, obscure brownish-ochraceous coloration. The head and the anterior region of the pronotum exhibit a pale castaneous hue, while the posterior area of the sternum, legs, and abdominal appendages are pale ochraceous. The legs display transverse striations. The head, inclusive of the eyes, is broader than the anterior margin of the pronotum. The pronotum is elongated, with the posterior area widened and elevated, featuring a base that is deeply sinuate. The antennae are long, bearing stout spines. The rostrum is 3-jointed. The abdominal respiratory tube measures between 17 and 21 mm. The fore femora have a pair of teeth in the middle. The overall body length ranges from 21 to 25 mm.
Habitat & Distribution in Bangladesh:
Mostly found in shallow ponds and swamp waters. It occurs among vegetation fringing the shallower parts of water bodies and is scarce in deeper areas. Found in Dhaka city, Chittagong.
The figure is upto genus. Aquatic
Main References:

Ali S, Chakraborty T (1992) BANGLADESHER MITHA PANIR AMERUDANDI PRANI (A book on Freshwater Invertebrates of Bangladesh). Bangla Academy, Dhaka, Bangladesh, ISBN: 984-07-4051-2

DNA Barcodes from Bangladesh
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