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Scientific Name: Ranatra longipes Stål, 1861
English Name: Water scorpions or water stick-insects
Insects : Ranatra longipes

Photo: GBIF

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hemiptera
Family: Nepidae
Males of this species typically have a body length ranging from 21.5 to 25.5, while females measure between 24.0 and 27.0. The siphon length is approximately 0.65 to 0.85 times the body length. The lorum is about as high as the clypeus, and the vertex is taller than the eye, featuring a low conical tubercle. The width of the eye is around 1.2 times the interocular width. The space between middle coxae is about 0.9 times the space between hind coxae. The posterior margin of the metasternum is convex. When the hind femur is folded back parallel to the body, it slightly exceeds the apex of the operculum in both sexes. The paramere is slender, with a strongly recurved apical hook. The inner margin of the hook exhibits an incipient obtuse elevation, and the tip of the hook is usually truncated. Respiratory siphon length is 16 to 22 mm. The coloration is a medium brown, and the legs in some specimens exhibit weak annulations with a lighter brown shade. The head features a slightly raised vertex above the eyes, occasionally showing a small incipient tubercle. The ventral prothorax has a noticeable medial longitudinal carina along its entire length. The fore femur is long and slender, with two teeth distal to the midpoint on the margin adjacent to the infolded tibia. These teeth consist of a moderate-sized tooth on the outer face and a smaller tooth on the inner face. The middle tibia is longer than both the middle and hind femora, and the hind tibia is distinctly longer than the middle tibia. The hind femora slightly exceed the operculum in both sexes. The male paramere exhibits a moderately narrow and deep incision subapically, isolating an apically expanded and weakly toothed distal hook. A subapical lobe is absent or barely suggested.
Habitat & Distribution in Bangladesh:
Usually found along the margins of lentic ecosystems amid tangles of submerged sticks and weeds, which they closely resemble
DNA Barcodes from Bangladesh
GenBank Accession Number:
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Other Information