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Scientific Name: Platycnemis sp Burmeister, 1839
English Name: Featherleg
Insects : Platycnemis sp

Photo: GBIF

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Odonata
Family: Platycnemididae
The male of this black-and-white Platycnemis species is characterized by strongly dilated white tibiae. The labium and genae are whitish, while the labrum is cream with a small blackish central spot at the base. The postclypeus is black, narrowly pale at the base, and the antennae are black with the second segment pale distally. The dorsum of the head is black with restricted pale markings, including tiny indistinct spots beside each lateral ocellus, a narrow dot and line on the eye border, and long postocular streaks. The underside is largely white. The prothorax is brownish-black dorsally, with a pale sublateral band and a narrow lower border. The synthorax is black dorsally down to the interpleural suture, featuring a complete creamy-white antehumeral stripe less than one-fifth as wide as the mesepisternum and as wide as the humeral black stripe below it. The legs are creamy white, except for dark brown tarsi, blackish joints (especially femoral apices), and the outer face of fore femora and tibiae. The bristles are brown. The fore tibiae have whitish expansions that are barely differentiated, while the mid and hind tibiae are strongly expanded (about 3.5× as long as wide), all in white. The abdomen is brownish-black, with tergites 1 and 2 whitish ventrally. Tergites 3 to 6 have narrow pale ventral borders reduced apically but extended basally into narrow incomplete rings, giving the abdomen an annulated impression. Tergites 7 to 9 are dark, with 9 having a small apical white spot on each side. Tergite 10 is entirely creamy white with an apical rim narrowly and partially black. The appendages are creamy white, with cerci darkened ventrally. The cerci are roundly triangular, with a black internal subbasal tooth, almost invisible without dissection. The paraprocts are over twice as long as the cerci and tergite 10, strongly curved in and down, with a small dorsal subbasal knob. The female, on the other hand, is more faded, with reduced, indistinct, and browner overall dark markings. The head is pale brown overall, with hints of darker markings, including a dark line between the eyes through the bases of the antennae. The hind lobe of the pronotum is slightly raised, forming a fairly low ridge that is shallowly incised at two points, creating a tripartite structure. The synthorax is pale brown with only the dark brown dorsal half of the mesepisterna and a distinct dark spot in the humeral fossa. The legs are evenly beige, faintly darkened at femoral apices, and the tibiae are not dilated. The abdomen has pale brown tergites 1 and 2, darker dorsally, while tergites 3 to 5 are pale brown with the apical sixth being dark brown, slightly paler at the base and basally of the dark apical ring. Tergites 6 to 9 are dark brown, with the apical border of 9 and entire tergite 10 being dark cream. The ovipositor projects slightly beyond the cerci, and the pterostigma has a pale brown center surrounded by a narrow cream border.
Habitat & Distribution in Bangladesh:
Favours exposed habitats and is wide-ranging, inhabiting rather open flowing waters like large rivers and sunny streams, both in forest and savanna.
Freshwater, Terrestrial
They are semi aquatic. Larvae are hatched in water. But they fly away when they got matured.
DNA Barcodes from Bangladesh
GenBank Accession Number:
Other DNA Barcodes & Nucleutide Sequences
Global IUCN conservation status:
Other Information