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Scientific Name: Pethia phutunio (Hamilton, 1822)

Synonym: Puntius phutunio (Currently unaccepted)

English Name: Spottedsail barb
Local/Bangla Name: Futuni puti (ফুটুনি পুঁটি), Futani puti (ফুটানি পুঁটি)
Bonyfish : Pethia phutunio

Photo: Subham Kumar Rout (iNaturalist)

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Teleostei
Order: Cypriniformes
Family: Cyprinidae
This fish lacks barbels on its snout (rostral barbels) and may not have any barbels on its upper jaw (maxillary barbels), or they might be very small. Dorsal fin has 3 to 4 stiff rays that don’t branch out, followed by 8 rays that do branch out. Anal fin has 3 stiff rays and 5 branched rays. Lateral line can be complete, interrupted) or missing partway along the body. This line has 19 to 24 scales. A distinctive feature of this fish is its coloring. It typically has a spot on its shoulder (humeral spot), a black mark on the narrow part of its body just before the tail (caudal peduncle), and sometimes black patches, spots, or stripes along its body depending on the species.
Habitat & Distribution in Bangladesh:
Found in rivers, streams, pools, beels and ponds throughout Bangladesh.
Freshwater (Benthopelagic)
Main References:

Rahman AKA 2005 Freshwater Fishes of Bangladesh, 2nd ed., Zool. Soc. Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh, xviii + 394 pp.

Other References:

Siddiqui KU, Islam MA, Kabir SMH, Ahmad M, Ahmed ATA, Rahman AKA 2005 Freshwater Fishes of Bangladesh, 2nd ed., Zool. Soc. Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh, xviii + 394 pp. AKA, Haque EU, Ahmed ZU, Begum ZNT, Hassan MA, Khondker M, Rahman AKA 2005 Freshwater Fishes of Bangladesh, 2nd ed., Zool. Soc. Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh, xviii + 394 pp. MM (eds.) 2007 Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh, Vol. 23. Freshwater Fishes. Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka 300 pp.

DoF Bangladesh (2023) Album: Freshwater Fishes of Bangladesh, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Bangladesh, Dhaka. 200 pp.

DNA Barcodes from Bangladesh
GenBank Accession Number:
COI: KT353106  
Other DNA Barcodes & Nucleutide Sequences
Global IUCN conservation status:
Other Information