This Partridge has a brown crown and a broad pale buff band over and below the eye, with a pale area in front of the eye. Its chin, throat, cheeks, and sides of the neck are chestnut-colored. The upper plumage, closed wings, and middle tail feathers are brown with pale buff cross-bars. The remaining tail feathers are chestnut with paler tips. The first ten wing feathers are rufous with brown tips. The lower plumage from the throat downward is white, each feather with a double margin: black on the inner part and brown on the outer part. The under-tail feathers are pale rufous. Males are larger than females, measuring about 14 inches in length, with a 7-inch wingspan and a 4-inch tail, compared to the female’s length of about 13 inches, 6.5-inch wingspan, and 3.5-inch tail. The legs are red, the irises are brown, and the bill is black or dark brown. The average weight is around 18 ounces