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Scientific Name: Leptophlebia sp Westwood, 1840
English Name: Prong-Gilled Mayflies
Insects : Leptophlebia sp

Photo: GBIF

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Ephemeroptera
Family: Leptophlebiidae
The gills on the first abdominal segment are typically slender and finger-like, while those on abdominal segments 2-7 are forked, displaying varying shapes such as slender filaments or broad structures ending in slender filaments. Caudal filaments bear setae at the apex of each segment. A key identifying feature of leptophlebiid mayflies is the existence of forked gills. However, these gills are frequently broken, posing challenges in the identification process.
Habitat & Distribution in Bangladesh:
The larvae of prong-gilled mayflies occur in a variety of habitats including lakes, ponds, and swift and slow flowing streams. They are found on rocks and gravel, leaf packs, and submerged roots.
Freshwater, Terrestrial
They are semi aquatic. Larvae are hatched in water. But they fly away when they got matured.
Main References:

Ali S, Chakraborty T (1992) BANGLADESHER MITHA PANIR AMERUDANDI PRANI (A book on Freshwater Invertebrates of Bangladesh). Bangla Academy, Dhaka, Bangladesh, ISBN: 984-07-4051-2

DNA Barcodes from Bangladesh
GenBank Accession Number:
Other DNA Barcodes & Nucleutide Sequences
Other Information