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Scientific Name: Lepocinclis cylindrica (Korshikov) W.Conrad, 1934
Phytoplankton : Lepocinclis cylindrica

Photo: Timm Reinisch (flickr)

Kingdom: Protozoa
Phylum: Euglenozoa
Class: Euglenoidea
Order: Euglenida
Family: Phacaceae
These green flagellates possess a sturdy pellicle. They exhibit spiraling stips encircling the cells, appearing circular in cross-section, and often feature an eyespot. Their chloroplasts are discoid and lack pyrenoids. Some species may have two prominent paramylon rings positioned opposite each other near the anterior portion. Certain species also possess a caudal spine. Reproduction primarily occurs through asexual binary fission.
Habitat & Distribution in Bangladesh:
Mainly found in freshwater habitats but may be found in brackish water also.
Main References:

Rahman AKA, Kabir SMH, Ahmad M, Ahmed ATA, Ahmed ZU, Begum ZNT, Hassan MA, Khondoker M (2009) Encyclopedia of flora and fauna of Bangladesh, Vol. 24. Marine Fishes. Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 485 p.

Other References:
DNA Barcodes from Bangladesh
GenBank Accession Number:
Other DNA Barcodes & Nucleutide Sequences
Other Information