The carapace of this species is hexagonal, broader than long, and convex, with an uneven dorsal surface. The frontal region is robust, and the anterior and anteo-lateral margins are minutely granular. There are many short oblique wrinkles on the posterolateral margins, and a distinct cervical groove is present. Obliquely placed carinae are found on the outer epibranchial, mesobranchial, and metabranchial regions. The orbits are broader, with a crenulated lower edge, and they are separated from the anterolateral sides of the carapace. An H-shaped gastric groove is observed on the dorsal surface of the carapace, and regulose epigastric crests extend well in advance of the sharp post-orbital crests. The eyes are moderate in size, and the outer margin of the eye has a U to V-shaped incision. The chelipeds are equal, slender, and shorter than the legs, with the carpus being rough at the upper edge. There is a sub-terminal spine on the upper border of the arm, and a strong spine is present at the inner angle of the carpus. The fingers are slender and longer than the palm. Pereiopods are long, thin, and laterally compressed, with the dactylus being long and styliform, featuring spinules. In terms of coloration, the dorsal surface of the carapace and cheliped ranges from brownish to grey, with deep brown spots. The dorsal side of the pereiopod is light brownish. The ventral surface of the cheliped, pereiopod, and carapace is lighter in adults but yellowish-light in young individuals.