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Scientific Name: Fragilaria virescens Ralfs 1843
Phytoplankton : Fragilaria virescens

Photo: Proyecto Agua (flickr)

The valves of the organism are linear to lanceolate in shape, with sides that are parallel or convex. They feature rostrate or broadly rounded ends, and a narrow, linear central area. The valve face is flat, and its junction with the mantle forms a sharp angle. The mantle’s edge on the abvalvar side runs parallel to the valve face and mantle junction. In girdle view, the frustules appear rectangular. The cells form short ribbon-like colonies connected by linking spines. The axial area is linear, and distinct striae composed of round areolae run parallel across the valve, extending onto the valve mantle but stopping just short of the abvalvar mantle edge. Costae, which are wider than the striae, bear spatulate spines along their edges, including at the apices, and between the striae. Apical pore fields are well-developed and of the simple type, featuring round poroids, located at the junction between the valve face and mantle. Each valve has one rimoportula situated along a stria near the axial area, appearing internally as a small labium. Girdle bands, known as copulae, were not observed in this species.
Habitat & Distribution in Bangladesh:
These organisms are found in freshwater habitats around the world.
Other References:
DNA Barcodes from Bangladesh
GenBank Accession Number:
Other DNA Barcodes & Nucleutide Sequences
Other Information