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Scientific Name: Eunapius crassissimus

Synonym: Spongilla crassior Annandale, 1907 Spongilla crassissima Annandale, 1907 · (Currently unaccepted)

English Name: Freshwater sponge
Local/Bangla Name: Sadupanir sponge(স্বাদুপানির স্পঞ্জ )
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Porifera
Class: Demospongiae
Order: Spongillida
Family: Spongillidae
Eunapius crassissimus has a spindle-shaped, spherical, or irregular outline without branches. The body comprises megascleres, gemmoscleres, and gemmules, with the absence of microscleres. The surface is hispid, and the oscula have a star-shaped appearance with radiating furrows. The dermal membrane is well-developed, and the consistency is extremely rigid. The megascleres are curved feebly and cylindrical, with spicules having blunt and rounded ends (amphistrongyla). They appear smooth, with a minute terminal projection at each end. Immature megascleres exhibit slender amphioxea. Their length and width range from 0.25-0.32 mm and 6-27 µm, respectively. Gemmoscleres are cylindrical, slender, and curved amphistrongyla with small spines along the body length. The length and width of gemmoscleres range from 0.08-0.12 mm and 4-10 µm, respectively. Gemmules are spherical, medium-sized, and found at the base. The pneumatic layer is thick with polygonal air sacs, and gemmoscleres are embedded tangentially in the pneumatic layer. The foramen tube is of medium length, projecting up to the surface of the pneumatic layer, with a diameter ranging from 0.28-0.33 mm. The coloration of Eunapius crassissimus is nearly black, and when zoochlorellae are present, the body appears dull green.
Habitat & Distribution in Bangladesh:
Distribution of the young sponges occurs by active swimming of the ciliated larva or by water current. Adults are sessile. sedentary; remain attached to rocks, aquatic plants, shells or other submerged hard objects. They usually keep the body directly fastened to the sub- stratum in lotic and lentic freshwater; also in alkaline water. They also occur in soft muddy bottom. Found in the Ganges and Brahmaputra river valley, lakes. This sponge first found in Police line pond of Rajshahi, as very weight full object of dark leaden gray colour. Also found in Hakaluki Haar.
Main References:

Kabir SMH, Ahmad M, Ahmed ATA, Rahman AKA, Haque EU, Ahmed ZU, Begum ZNT, Hassan MA, Khondker M (2008) Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh, Vol 14. Protozoa- Gastrotricha Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka: 335 pp

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