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Scientific Name: Cyclocypris sp. Brady & Norman, 1889
Zooplankton : Cyclocypris sp.

Photo: GBIF

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Ostracoda
Order: Podocopida
Family: Cyclocyprididae
The newly discovered genus and species are primarily defined by several distinctive features. These include a 7-segmented antennula with a Rome organ and notably long aesthetascs. Additionally, the sexually dimorphic antenna (A2) exhibits unique morphology, particularly with a markedly elongated terminal segment. The mandibular palp is characterized by short and thin α- and β-setae. Moreover, the terminal segment is elongated.
Habitat & Distribution in Bangladesh:
Commonly found in the rivers of Bangladesh.
DNA Barcodes from Bangladesh
GenBank Accession Number:
Other DNA Barcodes & Nucleutide Sequences
Global IUCN conservation status:
Other Information