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Scientific Name: Cosmarium moniliforme Ralfs, 1848
Phytoplankton : Cosmarium moniliforme

Photo: Proyecto Agua (flickr)

Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Charophyta
Class: Zygnematophyceae
Order: Desmidiales
Family: Desmidiaceae
The cells of this species have a distinctive body, typically falling within a size range of 21 to 56 μm in length and 11 to 29 μm in width. The isthmus, a narrow portion that connects the semicells, has a width ranging from 4 to 11 μm. This results in a characteristic length-to-width ratio (L/W) of approximately 2, indicating a moderately elongated shape. The semicells themselves exhibit a spherical morphology, adding to the unique appearance of this species. Notably, the cell wall is smooth, further contributing to its distinct features.
Habitat & Distribution in Bangladesh:
These organisms primarily reside in freshwater habitats.
DNA Barcodes from Bangladesh
GenBank Accession Number:
Other DNA Barcodes & Nucleutide Sequences
Other Information