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Scientific Name: Corixa connexa (Lundblad, 1933)
English Name: Water Boatman
Insects : Corixa connexa

Photo: iNaturalist

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hemiptera
Family: Corixidae
The insect in question has an oval and flat body, measuring between 4.2 and 5.2 millimeters in length. Its head, body underneath, and legs exhibit a predominantly pale ochre coloration. Towards the rear, the eyes seamlessly connect with the anterior edge of the pronotum. The rostrum, or the elongated mouthpart, is somewhat segmented but not clearly defined. The pronotum, a plate-like structure covering the thorax, displays six distinct transverse black lines. The posterior margin of the pronotum is noticeably curved. The hemelytra, the forewings of the insect, have a brownish ochre hue with scattered castaneous black markings. The embolial end of the hemelytra features a prominent dark spot. The scutellum, a triangular plate on the insect’s thorax, is concealed. The forelegs are exceptionally short, and their tarsi have only one segment. In contrast, the mid and hind legs are twice the length of the forelegs. The hind tibia (shin) and tarsi (foot segments) are adorned with double rows of long hairs and spines, lacking a tarsal claw.
Habitat & Distribution in Bangladesh:
They are found slightly below the water surface,common in ponds, also found in birdbaths. The long hind leg row with powerful sweeping strokes. They are strongly attracted to light. They take minute aquatic organisms and algae as food. The distribution of this species in Chittagong (Bangladesh).
Freshwater, Brakishwater
DNA Barcodes from Bangladesh
GenBank Accession Number:
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