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Scientific Name: Centroptilum sp Eaton, 1869
English Name: Long-clawed Baetids, Small Minnow Mayflies, Tiny Sulphur Duns
Insects : Centroptilum sp

Photo: GBIF

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Ephemeroptera
Family: Baetidae
The coloration of the insect is characterized by a brown hue on the dorsal aspects of the head, thorax, and abdomen, featuring a dark grey-brown pattern. The ventral side of the head and thorax also appears brown, with dark grey-brown lateral marks on the thorax. The ventral part of the abdomen exhibits a light brown color. The legs are light brown, with the apex of the femur and the claw appearing darker. The caudalii are ecru, with brown annulations. The labrum is rectangular, approximately 1.6 times wider than its maximum length. The distal margin displays a broad, angulated, medial emargination, while the anterior margin is nearly straight. The dorsal surface is adorned with scattered long, medium, and short, simple setae, not forming a submarginal arc. On the ventral side, there is a marginal row of setae comprising anterolateral long, simple, pointed setae, and medial long, apically blunt, pectinate setae. Additionally, there are approximately seven short, stout setae near the lateral and anterolateral margin. Examining the maxilla, the galea-lacinia ventrally bears 3-5 simple, apical setae under canines, with long and slender canines. Three denti-setae are present, with the distal denti-seta resembling a canine, and the middle and proximal denti-setae being slender, bifid, and pectinate. Medially, there is one pectinate, spine-like seta and two simple, spine-like setae (dorsolateral insertions), along with approximately eight long setae with bifurcated tips (ventrolateral insertions). The maxillary palp is 3-segmented, roughly 1.9 times the length of the galea-lacinia, and the apex of the last segment is pointed. The foreleg is very slender, with a ratio of segments measuring 1.6:1.0:1.1:0.4. The femur is approximately five times longer than its maximum width, with occasional short, spine-like setae along the dorsal margin. The apex is slightly rounded, and short, stout, pointed setae are scattered along the ventral margin, while a femoral patch is absent. The tibia has a bare dorsal margin, with the ventral margin exhibiting a row of short, curved, spine-like setae and additional stout, pointed setae along the margin. The anterior surface has few stout, pointed, and partly serrate setae along the ventral margin. A patellatibial suture is present in the basal ΒΌ area. The tarsus has a bare dorsal margin, while the ventral margin has a dense row of short, curved, serrate, spine-like setae. The claw features two rows of 17-20 minute denticles each, in the basal approximately 1/3 area, increasing in size distally, with subapical setae being absent.
Habitat & Distribution in Bangladesh:
Breeds in stony streams and lake margins, ponds.
Freshwater, Brakishwater
They are semi aquatic. Larvae are hatched in water. But they fly away when they got matured.
DNA Barcodes from Bangladesh
GenBank Accession Number:
Other DNA Barcodes & Nucleutide Sequences
Other Information