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Scientific Name: Bezzia sp Kieffer, 1899
Insects : Bezzia sp

Photo: GBIF

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Diptera
Family: Ceratopogonidae
In the head, the dorsal apotome lacks a dorsomedial tubercle and a central dome, with a partial ventral line of weakness. The dorsolateral cephalic sclerite is fused to the scutum, separated medially by the dorsal apotome in the entire pupal stage. The mouthparts have a well-developed mandible, with no lacinia; the palpus extends posteriorly beyond the posterolateral margin of the labium. The labium is either entire or separated medially by the labrum and hypopharynx. The apex of the antenna is situated anterior to the posterior extent of the midlength portion of the midleg, narrowing posteriorly. In the thorax, the prothoracic extension is wide and well-developed, extending from the palpus to the antenna. The mesonotum lacks tubercles, doesn’t extend posteromedially, and doesn’t divide the metathorax medially. The respiratory organ has a length-to-width ratio ranging from 3.73 to 6.60, being moderately elongate to elongate. The apical portion may swell in some cases, and the organ is somewhat flattened apically. Pores are closely abutting at the apex of the respiratory organ, arranged in a single straight to a curved row. The outer surface exhibits some wrinkles, with a short, wide pedicel. The base has a short to moderately elongate posteromedial apodeme, and the membranous base of the respiratory organ is short and annulated. The tracheal tube is straight to slightly curved along its length, with spirals restricted to the base, and wrinkles extend to half length or more. The wing lacks an apical tubercle or angle and is separated medially by the fore- and midlegs. The halter apex and hind leg broadly abut, with the halter apex extending posteriorly to 1/6 the length of tergite 2. The legs have a curved lateral margin near the midlength of the wing, and the hind leg is visible at the lateral margin of the wing. The apex of the foreleg is moderately anterior to the apex of the midleg, and the apex of the hind leg either abuts the apex of the midleg laterally or has a small gap between them. Sensilla include 2 elongate setae and 1 campaniform sensillum in the anteromedials, and 1 moderately long seta in the anterolaterals. In the abdomen, pigmentation is light brown, with tergite 1 having 3 medial spots, tergites 2–7 having a medial area with a stripe and 2 anterolateral spots. Sternites 3–7 have a medial stripe and anterolateral spot in light brown. Segment 2 is as wide or slightly wider than segment 3. Segments have undivided, thin to thick setae, with rounded to pointed, short to moderately elongate tubercles. Tergites or sternites are entire, lacking a membranous disc. Segment 9 is not strongly modified, with terminal processes closely approximated to separated basally. Each process projects posterodorsolaterally, tapering to a pointed apex in some cases, and in some, they are very slender. Sensilla on tergite 1 include 8 setae and 2 campaniform sensilla.
Habitat & Distribution in Bangladesh:
Immatures have been recorded from a wide array of habitats including rice fields, springs, streams, river margins, wet moss, various phytotelmata, pools, marshes, bogs, fens, algal mats in lentic habitats, lakes, and reservoirs.
Freshwater, Terrestrial
They are semi aquatic. Larvae are hatched in water. But they fly away when they got matured.
DNA Barcodes from Bangladesh
GenBank Accession Number:
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