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Scientific Name: Ankistrodesmus barnardi Komárek, 1983
Phytoplankton : Ankistrodesmus barnardi

Photo: zygoflux (iNaturalist)

Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Chlorophyta
Class: Chlorophyceae
Order: Sphaeropleales
Family: Selenastraceae
Ankistrodesmus barnardi is a freshwater green algae characterized by its elongated, needle-like cells that typically curve slightly. These cells form loose colonies and can also exist singly. Each cell has a thin and smooth cell wall, enclosing a single chloroplast that extends lengthwise and contains pyrenoids for starch storage. Reproduction primarily occurs through binary fission, though sexual reproduction is less frequent. Ankistrodesmus barnardi inhabits freshwater environments such as ponds and lakes, where it plays a role in primary production through photosynthesis, contributing to the aquatic ecosystem’s food web dynamics.
Habitat & Distribution in Bangladesh:
These organisms are found in freshwater habitats around the world.
Other References:
DNA Barcodes from Bangladesh
GenBank Accession Number:
Other DNA Barcodes & Nucleutide Sequences
Other Information