
Bangladesh, often called the “Land of Rivers,” is intricately linked to its vast water bodies. The Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna, along with their tributaries, form the world’s largest delta, shaping the fertile plains and wetlands. Numerous bells, haors, lakes, and rivers support the country’s agriculture, fisheries, and freshwater biodiversity. However, it is tough to find data on the existing freshwater floral and faunal diversity and relevant taxonomic information on the species of Bangladesh from a single source within a very short time for academia, students, or policymakers since these are scattered in different scientific articles, books, and reports.

With the rapid advancement of communications and information technology, people are now used to searching the internet rather than paper-based documents or libraries to get their questions answered and relevant information. Therefore, the Aquatic Bioresource Research Lab (ABR Lab) of the Department of Fisheries Biology and Genetics at Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University (SAU) has taken the initiative to enhance access to information on the freshwater biodiversity of Bangladesh. The portal presents the updated species inventory of freshwater biodiversity of Bangladesh with their valid scientific name, photographs, environment, habitat information in Bangladesh, morphological description assessed by the primary study of ABR Lab, and valid secondary information after reviewing all the publications with proper citations. The portal also includes available DNA barcodes of freshwater organisms from GenBank with accession numbers generated by ABR Lab and other Bangladeshi researchers.

We hope the portal will be of interest to academia, researchers, students, professionals, naturalists, policymakers, educators, activists, and curious citizens and netizens. Your involvement and support in this effort of our team by contributing your observed freshwater species photographs and related information, which are not included in this portal, will be highly appreciated. We also welcome any of your comments and suggestions for updating the information on this web portal.